Freezing winter temperatures will have you spending a lot more time indoors than outdoors. Therefore, it will help to ensure that your home’s furnace is working effectively before winter’s onset. Fortunately, homeowners who need furnace repair in Calgary, AB don’t have to look past Prostar Plumbing and Heating—a trusted name for HVAC repair, installation, and maintenance needs.
Here are tried and tested furnace maintenance tips that Calgary residents are using to get their furnaces ready for winter.
Replacing Air Filters
Failing to replace your home’s air filters regularly can result in an ineffective furnace. Homeowners should change their air filters at least once every three months, especially if they want to mitigate issues that might warrant a new furnace installation. Some filters can be washed and reused while some need to be replaced right away, so make sure you know which is which.
Professional Furnace Services
Working with a competent HVAC contractor for all of your heating repair needs will help you get your home’s furnace system in excellent shape not just during winter but all year round.
Ensure Your Thermostat Is Operating Effectively
One of the most overlooked furnace maintenance tips is ensuring that the thermostat is operating effectively at all times. Therefore, regularly testing your thermostat will help keep your furnace operational during freezing winter weather when you need it the most. There’s an optimal setting for furnace thermostats, so check with your furnace replacement specialist for the ideal setup for yours.
Cleaning Ductwork and Vents
Homeowners should ensure that their furnaces have clean ductwork systems and vents for optimal indoor air quality. Keeping the ductworks and vents clean will also help you avoid costly heating repair that might arise due to the strain from the dirt and debris accumulation in your home’s heating unit.
Whether it’s maintenance or repairs, you can count on Prostar Plumbing and Heating for quality services. Contact us for an appointment.