Furnace Maintenance: How Important Is It?

ProStar Plumbing crew doing furnace maintenance Calgary, AB

It’s the main phase of the season, and if you didn’t plan routine furnace maintenance in the autumn, you might believe it’s too late and maybe thinking of putting it off until the next fall. Table of Content to easily navigate: Overview Why is furnace maintenance so important? Repair avoidance Unit life extension Reduce heating costs It’s not…

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How Much to Replace Your Furnace in Calgary

ProStar Plumbing crew doing furnace maintenance Calgary, AB

The cost of replacing your furnace will change depending on several factors. Usually, this type of furnace installation in Calgary will present challenges such as the type of heater you are replacing, the size of your furnace, and the company performing the replacement. However, that does not mean you cannot negotiate a better deal. For instance, try…

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8 Ways To Troubleshoot Your Furnace For Repairs

Technician doing furnace repair Calgary, AB

There is nothing worse than your furnace breaking down in the middle of the winter. You’ll be stuck in the freezing cold, struggling to find a professional to help you. But before you hit the panic button, there are a few things you can do to make sure that your furnace can be fixed right…

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6 Tips To Prepare Your Plumbing System For The Fall

A technician doing furnace installation Calgary, AB

With fall around the corner, the kids going back to school and Halloween coming up fast, the last thing on your mind is your plumbing system. But you will be shocked to know that fall is an important time to check out your plumbing system. What do you check, though? What is essential to get…

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Become a Boiler Expert With These 6 Fun Facts

Know the facts plumbing Calgary, AB

Boilers are a great way to heat a home, but many people are unfamiliar with this type of system, as furnace systems are the most popular amongst communities. But in case you’re considering a heating system upgrade or moving to a house with a boiler system, there are some interesting things about boilers that everybody should know.…

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